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English Recordings

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  • Talk given to a Group of New International Students ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Listen to a talk given to a group of new international students.

    Hi! Welcome to State College! My name is Suzanne Irish, and I’m a senior here at the College, studying Business and Administration. I’m originally from New York, but I’ve grown to love Vermont very much, so I consider it my home – and I hope that you will, too.

    I work for the International Student Advisor, Mrs. Stoke, whom you have just had the pleasure of meeting. If you have a problem and need assistance, you can always call or find me. I’m in Mrs. Stoke’s office from about 3:00-6:00 p.m. or you can call me at home. My home number is listed in the folder I’ve just passed out.

    Let’s look together at that folder now. In the left side pocket, you will find information about the College, including important schedules and phone numbers. Please note the hours that the cafeteria is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, notice that the bookstore opens at 8:30 a.m. and that it closes at 4:30 p.m. sharp. A piece of advice: The hours never change, so don’t plan on going to the bookstore after 4:30. Also included in this side of your folder are descriptions and schedules for the classes you’ll be taking. Another piece of advice: Try to be on time to class. You might want to set your watch ahead by ten minutes if you are the type of person that always runs late.

    On the right-hand side of the folder, I have placed tourist pamphlets on Vermont for you to read or save for your parents when they come to visit you. I especially recommend the Blue Map of Vermont and the Seasonal Guide because they both give information on a wide range of restaurants, museums, and attractions in Vermont. If you would like to discuss any of the attractions with me, I’m always available.

    Oh, we’ve run out of time! We should get ready to go on our campus tour.

    [Please pause about 5-10 seconds between questions.]

    Who is Suzanne Irish?

    What is the purpose of Suzanne’s talk?

    What two pieces of advice does Suzanne give the students?

    What is going to happen now?

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  • Dolls ( recorded by isenriver ), australian

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    Dolls have always fascinated me, and that's why, five years ago, I was delighted to be offered the job of running a doll museum.
    Dolls have existed for thousands of years, and the earliest dolls we know about were found in graves in ancient Egypt. I only wish we could get one or two for our museum, but we unfortunately haven't got anything as old as that in the museum.
    All the same, we have got examples from Europe from the twelfth century, but my favourite early dolls are actually from the seventeenth century. They interest me not just because they are early, or fairly early, but also because of the clothes they're wearing. They have their original clothes, and from them we know what the owners wore, since dolls in those days were always dressed like their owners. They were made of the only material readily available for things like this at the time: solid wood, and they were painted in great detail. In fact, on the best examples, like the ones in the museum, the detail includes the seventeenth-century make-up.
    Dolls like these were very expensive then, and only the very rich could afford them. These days, they're popular with collectors and if you want one today, you have to pay anything up to ten thousand pounds for a doll in perfect condition from this time!
    By the way, what makes them so valuable is that, as far as a collector is concerned, a doll is only worth collecting if it is in perfect condition, and that means having the original clothes.
    Doll collecting has become very fashionable since the museum opened, with people interested in dolls from every period, including later dolls. There's great interest in nineteenth-century examples, when dolls were no longer made of wood, but began to have soft bodies and real hair. They were very delicate and few have survived, meaning such a doll would be worth about two thousand pounds, perhaps a bit more. Later, in the nineteenth century, you could often take off the doll's hair. If you can, you can often see the maker's name underneath, and of course the right one increases a doll's value.
    There was a really big change in dolls at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the museum we have one of the earliest examples of a doll that's a model of a baby from around 1909. Previously all dolls, the earlier ones, were little adults. That's just one of the changes that have occurred in the last hundred years.
    Another, is to do with what dolls are made of. Although dolls with soft bodies continued, after about 1930, plastic began to be used. In fact, dolls from the 1930s and 40s are now very popular with collectors, some of them selling for very, very high prices.

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  • Idioms ( recorded by KristianMort ), unspecified accent

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    1. You are all ears when you are very interested in hearing about something.
    2. To see something with a naked eye means to see it without an instrument.
    3. You raise your eyebrows if you are surprised or shocked.
    4. To keep someone’s fingers crossed means to wish luck and hope for a
    good result.
    5. You pull or tear your hair out when you feel very worried about something
    because you do not know what to do about it.
    6. People who have thick skin don’t care when someone criticises them
    while people who have thin skin are easily hurt by someone’s words.
    7. When you keep your chin up, you stay cheerful in a difficult or unpleasant

101 Words / 1 Comments
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  • economic vs economical ( recorded by KristianMort ), unspecified accent

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    Something which has to do with economics is economic.
    Our use of central heating is fairly economical.
    Europe is more than an economic community.
    Are electric cars economical to run?
    If you've got a large family, it's more economical to travel by car than by train.
    The country is in a bad economic state.
    We cannot afford to employ more stuff in the current economic climate.
    The major part of the population is against the government's economic policies.
    It is not a very economical method of heating buildings.
    Of course the plane is not the most economical form of transport.

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  • Every who is not in the army is a civilian. ( recorded by fuglyfeebas ), American

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    Everyone who is not in the army is a civilian. Someone who has been forced
    to leave his or her country either because there is a war there, or because
    of his or her political or religious beliefs is a refugee. Someone who has been
    captured by a person or organization and who may be killed or injured if
    people do not do what that person or organization demands is a hostage.
    A soldier who has been captured by the enemy during a war is a prisoner.
    A written agreement between countries in which they agree to do a particular thing
    or to help each other is a treaty.
    Formal discussions, especially in business and politics,
    in which people try to reach an agreement are negotiations.
    A meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a particular subject or
    is meant to bring together people who have common interests is a conference.
    A meeting in which the leaders of two or more countries discuss important matters is a summit.
    The power that a country has to govern itself is sovereignty.
    The state of being united or whole is integrity.
    Something that you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have is your right.


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