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English Recordings

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  • Josh ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    Josh is an interesting person to be around. For one thing, he is not is boring, as he is always ready to make the situation funny or surreal. He is flamboyant and at times side splittingly funny. He can always make life, however dark it seems, brighter. He finds the smallest things amusing and indeed delights in some, to such an extent that we have doubts as to his mental age. Josh often feels the need to show his love and affection for others and he is a very affectionate person.

    In addition he is well known in the school for his habit of saying whatever comes to mind, at all times. We have come both to admire the random junk that he comes out with and not to worry as to what exactly he will say. He has on many occasions angered me to the point of violence but I have never not been amused at the same time. I have faith in the fact that he will find his niche in life and that he will no doubt be very good at whatever oddball job he excels at. But I for one must thank him for all he has done to keep me sane.

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  • Max ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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  • Max ( recorded by PabLoLA ), American

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    Je m’appelle Max et je suis de Shorewood, Minnesota, et j’ai 14 ans.
    I speak a bit of French and a bit of Spanish because I took Spanish for three years and I’m taking French right now. I love languages, but my favorite subject is math. I'm excellent at it!
    My favorite country that I have visited is definitely Costa Rica because of just the diverse wild life that’s way different from what it is here and I just like all the scenery and how beautiful it is. I loved hiking in the mountains and watching animals in the forest.

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205 Words / 2 Comments
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  • national days and celebrations ( the Commonwealth) ( recorded by Chika ), American; Nigerian

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    1. In South Africa Freedom day is celebrated on April 27th

    2. Canadians celebrate Independence day every July 1st

    3. In New Zealand Waitangi day is celebrated on February 6th

    4. Jamaicans celebrate Emancipation day on August 2nd

    5. In India Independence day is celebrated every August 15th

    6. Australians celebrate independence day on January 26th

  • national days and celebrations ( the Commonwealth) ( recorded by tmcgee7 ), American

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    1. in South Africa Freedom day is celebrated on April 27th

    2. Canadians celebrate Independence day every July 1st

    3. In New Zealand Waitangui day is celebrated on February 6th

    4. Jamaicans celebrate Emancipation day on August 2nd

    5. In India Independence day is celebrated every August 15th

    6. Australians celebrate Independence day on January 26th

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616 Words / 0 Comments
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146 Words / 0 Comments
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111 Words / 1 Comments
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