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  • Jefferson's letter to Lewis and Cark ( recorded by Arzy ), British

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    The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River and other rivers to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean for the purpose of trade. You should make detailed notes throughout your journey, and make several copies of the notes. Choose the most trustworthy individuals to care for them.

    Make careful observations of latitude and longitude at all points on the river, especially at the mouths of rivers and other important places. We want to make new maps of the area. Plan to meet the Indian tribes and to begin trade with them. We want to know many things about the people you meet, including their tribe names, how many people are in each tribe, their languages and traditions, their occupations, any diseases they have and remedies they use, and the things they might need or offer in trade.

    Be sure to treat the natives in the friendliest manner that you are able. You should also notice and record information about new plants and animal that you observe and the minerals you find. Also record what the climate and landscape are. Return the way you came and confirm the observations that you made on the way out.

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  • Charlotte ( recorded by derrickallums ), American

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    How do you sum up Charlotte? I remember her at the beginning of my Highgate life when I was sitting next to her in maths and she wrote on Tinkerbelle paper, I didn't imagine I would somehow end up being good friends with her a few months later... We were antitheses of each other, still are, but we've grown close and "acclimatised" to each other. Her joyful nature and incredibly lively character always make people smile. She is always kind and caring and will make you laugh when you're down, even if it is with a completely outrageous comment... QUIET is not an adjective Charlotte will ever be associated with. I assure you that you'll know when she is in the room.

    There is rarely a day when she arrives in school without a story about something dramatic that's happened to her or a strange dream to share. The phrase "you'll never guess what happened to me" springs to mind and honestly, you would never guess. Her dedication and passion for performing arts and drama is evident, she pirouettes in any space big enough and she will get involved in every play possible, no matter how much she is already doing. One thing I will [would] never do is get into a car with her. unless I am [was] driving. I would prefer to stay alive... Overall, it's very hard to think of a single word to fit her ... there she is indescribable.


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