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English Recordings

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  • Best tips for a job interview dos and don'ts 2 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Best tips for a job interview dos and don'ts 2 ( recorded by Chika ), American; Nigerian

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8 Words / 1 Comments
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  • pronunciation of the sounds [ai] and [i] ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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  • Words related to the Amish community ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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102 Words / 0 Comments
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21 Words / 1 Comments
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275 Words / 1 Comments
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  • a story on the radio ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    Corrected Text

    Alison walked up the stairs to her flat. She was exhausted. She opened the door and her cat came to meet her. She said "hello, Pussy" and went into the kitchen. It was 9 o’clock. Alison was thirsty. She decided to have a cup of tea. She filled the kettle and lit the gas.
    Next door , the neighbours were having a party. She could hear music playing and people laughing and dancing. She felt sad and started to cry. She picked up a towel and dried her eyes. Alison went into the living-room. She could hear someone shouting upstairs. Mr and Mrs Brown were having an argument.
    Suddenly she smelt something burning. She ran into the kitchen and saw flames coming from the cooker. It was the towel ! She got some water and threw it over the flames but the kitchen filled with smoke and Alison couldn’t breathe ! She ran outside and knocked on her neighbour’s door. But the party was so noisy that they didn’t hear her ! She shouted to her neighbours upstairs : “Help!Help!” but Mr and Mrs Brown were arguing so loudly that they couldn’t hear her either.
    She ran back into the flat to telephone the fire brigade. There was smoke everywhere. At last , she found her phone and dialled 999. It was difficult to hear with the noise from the party next door, the argument upstairs and the terrified cat .
    She put down the phone and ran to the door. A few minutes later, she heard the siren. It was the fire brigade . Alison , exhausted and terrified, fainted in the fireman's arms.


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