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  • American Gothic, Grant Wood ( recorded by HarveyInToronto ), American

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    Hi everybody,
    This week, we're going to study an American artist by the name of Grant Wood and one of his most famous paintings which was called American Gothic.

    We can see a farmhouse with a Gothic window in the middle of the painting.

    On the right, there is a man. He's a farmer. He's wearing blue overalls and a black jacket.
    He's holding a pitchfork. He looks serious. He doesn't look happy but he doesn't look angry or sad either. He just looks plain.

    On the left, there is a woman. She's the farmer's daughter. She's wearing a black dress and a white shirt. She's looking off to the right. She looks serious and plain, too.

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  • The Beatles ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    My favourite British band is definitely the Beatles. Their music makes me think of my dad because he was a huge fan of theirs.

    He listened to the Beatles everyday when I was a child so I grew up with their songs.

    I have never stopped listening to them. Their music is just amazing. It will never go out of style.

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  • The origins of Thanksgiving ( recorded by HarveyInToronto ), American

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    In the 1600's, the Puritans were a religious group. They lived in England. But the English King, James I, didn’t like them because their religion was different. So he arrested, imprisoned and persecuted the Puritans. In 1620, one hundred Puritans decided to leave England because the King was intolerant. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a boat called the Mayflower. They wanted to find a new land to practice their religion freely.
    After 65 days on the ocean, the Puritans finally arrived in America, where they established a colony: Plymouth. But forty-five Puritans died in the first winter: they didn’t have any food, and the weather was extremely cold. One day in spring, three Wampanoag Indians visited the Puritans, and helped them to plant corn, pumpkin and squash. One of the Indians, Squanto, could speak English. He showed the Puritans how to go hunting or fishing.
    At the end of spring, the harvest was a success: vegetables, meat, fish … The Puritans organized a big feast and invited the Indians. They cooked fish, duck, corn, pumpkin, etc. The Puritans thanked God, and they played and danced with the Indians. It was the first Thanksgiving.

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  • When I took that photo ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    When I took this picture on August 9th 1974. Richard Nixon was saying goodbye to his cabinet and the White house staff after the Watergate scandal. All his family were standing round him. You can see from their faces what they were feeling.

    In 1989, I was working in London on a story when suddenly I heard the news that the Russians were planning to make Berlin an open city. So I got on a plane. When I arrived in Berlin many people, young and old, were attacking the wall with stones. The woman in the photo was shouting ‘I hate it, I hate it.

    When I took this photo, we were in a hotel room in Paris in 1964. John and Paul were at the piano and at first nothing much was happening, but suddenly they became completely focused. First the melody came, and then the words. "Baby’s good to me you know, she’s happy as can be you know…" They were composing their song, I feel fine.

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