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English Recordings

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  • DIALOGUE (2 speakers) : My parents want me to be... ( recorded by MrsSaraT ), California

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    [... couple of seconds of silence... ]

    *Sighs sadly*

    [ normal voice] - Hey Mark / Judy !

    - Hey Lenny / Rachel.

    - What's up? You look worried. Is everything O.K. ?

    - Erm.. Not really.

    - Do you want to talk about it ? I'm all ears

    - Well, I just got off the phone with my parents... We argued about my future.

    - Oh, how come?

    - Well, basically, I would really want to study I.T. and become a web designer, but my parents want me to study law.

    - Oh I see... Is that what you want to do?

    - Yeah, like... I'm organized, creative, and I'm really good with computers. Never in a million years would I like to become a lawyer. No way! That's just NOT for me. Actually, I'm good at math, and I love new technology. I WANT to become a web designer.

    - I understand. You know... My dad wants me to become a doctor. Everybody in my family works in a hospital: nurses, doctors... It's a family thing! But I just want to become a baker. I'm good with my hands, I'm responsible. My parents wanted me to go to university and study law. I was not interested. So I thought... O.K., first, let's have a mature and calm conversation with them, and then, let's prove to them that I can do it. That I've got what it takes. I've done my internship in a bakery, and that went really well! So now they just want me to do what I'm passionate about.

    - I see. You're right. I need to find a way to convince them. Thank you!

    - You're welcome! Let me know how it goes!

106 Words / 2 Comments
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  • Hello Jell-O ( recorded by z6am ), Canadian / American

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    Hello Jell-O!
    Hi there, grizzly bear!
    How are you, caribou?
    I’m fine, porcupine!
    What’s up, buttercup?
    Not much, coconut!
    Hi, hi, pumpkin pie!
    What’s shakin’, little bacon?
    Not a lot, tater tot!
    Good day, blue jay!
    Come on in, my friends!

    See you later alligator!
    After a while crocodile!
    In an hour, sunflower!
    Gotta go, buffalo!
    Out of the door, dinosaur!
    Chop, chop lollipop!
    Give a hug, ladybug!
    Hit the road, happy toad!
    See you soon, raccoon!
    Our school day now ends,
    So goodbye my friends!

  • Hello Jell-O ( recorded by suleml11 ), United States

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  • Maya Angelou becomes first Black woman to appear on US quarter as Treasury begins distribution ( recorded by suleml11 ), United States

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  • Get to know someone ( recorded by suleml11 ), United States

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    Hi ! I'm Rose Hershley. I'm thirteen and a half, I'll be fourteen in two months on April 1st. I've got a half sister who is 2 years older than me, I've got 1 cat and a kitten, a baby cat called Garfield. I was born in Bristol, but now we live in London. Our address is 21 Oxford Avenue. I love swimming. My favourite subject at school is PE because we go to the swimming pool every Monday, but I don't like Technology because I am not good at DIY. I am keen on listening to music and surfing on the net, I like cooking, too, my favourite recipe is for Chocolate Brownies. Everybody says that they're absolutely scrumptious! Maybe I'll be a cook when I grow up!

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