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English Recordings

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  • Pirate Pete and the Treasure of Skull Island ( recorded by bmcook ), American - Midwest

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  • a definition of segregation ( recorded by burkelkelsey ), United States

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    All across the United States, from the end of the nineteenth century to the nineteen sixties', black people and white people were segregated.

    Their homes, schools, churches and social lives were completely separated from one another.

    In the Southern United States segregation was actually the law:

    - Throughout the South Black people were not allowed in the same restaurants as White people.

    - Black men and women taking the bus to work had to sit in the back, white people sat in the front.

    - Even before they started school, black children learned they had to use black only drinking fountains and weren't allowed to use white bathrooms and gas stations.

    - Black teens could not swim in public swimming-pools or at public beaches reserved for Whites.

    - Even in old age, segregation separated senior citizens. The law made it a crime for an old black man and an old white man to play checkers together in the park.

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  • Every day ( recorded by bmcook ), American - Midwest

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    - Every morning I get up at 7:45 .
    - First I take a shower.
    - Then I get dressed
    - ...and I have breakfast. I usually have milk and cereal.
    - I brush my teeth and I'm ready to go to school!
    - I usually leave at 8:30, I meet my friends and we walk to school together.
    - We finish school at 3:00 pm. I go back home...
    - and I arrive at 3:30.
    - Sometimes I clean up my room or I call my friends. I sometimes watch TV or I play video games with my brother.
    - We usually have dinner at 6:00 in the evening.
    - Then I do my homework.
    - Finally I go to bed around 9:00pm. It's not too late, I don't like going to bed too late...

143 Words / 1 Comments
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