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English Recordings

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  • My superhero ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    My superhero is a woman. She is quite small and she is a bit fat. She has a round face, short brown hair, a long nose and almond-shaped yellow eyes. She has a really big smile and she is extremely beautiful. She wears a green mask and a purple costume, with a pink hat. She is very generous and intelligent and she has many powers, so she must protect people and save the planet from the various supervillains. She has two big wings, so she can fly. She can also swim very fast and she can shoot lasers with her eyes. Oh, and she can also control the weather, which is really cool! She can change the temperature for example, and decide to turn the sunny weather into a snow tempest. She is scared of spiders, so she cannot work with Spiderman! And she cant walk through walls. But apart from that, she can do almost everything. She is the best!

  • My superhero ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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  • Superheroes ( recorded by hobs42 ), American/Midwest

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    Welcome to the Superheroes Academy. This is not an ordinary school so the rules are very different from your former school.

    You must always wear your outfit.
    You mustn’t come to the academy with a dirty suit.
    You must always keep your identity secret.
    You must have all your weapons for practice.
    You mustn’t play with your gadgets in class.
    You mustn’t be rude or aggressive.
    You mustn’t use your superpowers for no reason.

    Good luck and enjoy the academy!

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  • Security agent verbs ( recorded by jamesmurdza ), American

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    instruction: work your pronunciation. Listen to the verbs and repeat

    1. To protect the people and the property
    2. To conduct patrols
    3. To walk facilities
    4. To patrol
    5. To manage disputes
    6. To control IDs and public access
    7. To monitor video systems
    8. To identify suspicious behaviours
    9. To en
    force the rules
    . To enforce the COVID protocol
    11. To app
    rehend offenders
    12. To report an incident
    13. To complete a daily activity report
    14. To communicate messages
    15. To watch a shop
    16. To guard the merchandise

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  • movie genres ( recorded by jamesmurdza ), American

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    action movies are movies that have high energy, racing, fights and spectacular rhythm
    animation movies offer the illusion of motion by images created by hand or on a computer
    comedy movies are films that provoke laughter
    fantasy movies are movies that contain magical extraordinary elements
    horror movies are films that provoke fear in the audience
    martial arts films are movies that contain numerous fights with particular fighting styles like kung fu or tae kwan do
    super hero movies are films that contain characters with amazing powers
    romance movies are films that centre on love relationships
    thriller films are movies that provoke nervous tension in the audience
    documentaries are movies that show real events
    science fiction films are movies that show futuristic elements such as space exploration

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