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  • WITCHES POEM ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    Witch”s cauldron
    Witch’s hat
    Witch’s broomstick
    Witch’s bat

    Fly over here
    Fly over there
    Now you disappear!

    Witch’s wand
    And witch’s spell
    Witch’s nose
    And witch’s s

    Fly in the dark
    At the dead of night
    If you see her
    She’ll give you such a fright!

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  • Working Too Much ( recorded by lennyme ), UK General

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    Working Too Much

    Topic: These days people spend more and more time at work and less time at home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

    Model answer:

    These days, most people find themselves working longer hours, cutting into their home time. Though this brings economic stability to a nation, it also deprives people of a rich personal life.

    The foundation of economic prosperity is a flourishing middle class unburdened by debts. A good example and counter-example of this can be seen in the changing fortunes of the American model of economics. In the 1950s, the economy grew as people worked long hours and had large disposable incomes to feed back into the larger consumer economy by purchasing automobiles, houses, and luxuries. Since the economic crash of 2008, there have been fewer jobs to go around and most people make do with part-time labour. The result of an idle labour force was a long-lasting recession that has only abated in recent years as people began to work more.

    When people have less time to spend either on their hobbies or with their family, they rightly feel deprived. Every person should have time for both a fulfilling public and private life. Work constitutes the bulk of public service for most people and home life the private. Those with families feel particularly justifiable anger, which can boil over to general unhappiness or depression at best and neglect or abuse, at worst. Even the childless still have loved ones, hobbies, and a variety of other pursuits. At the end of their lives, everyone strives to be able to look back proudly on their career and fondly on their daily life.

    In my opinion, the tilting of work-life balance towards work is primarily a negative because it robs people of some of their most meaningful moments. People must individually find ways to not only survive but also prosper in a world where the private sphere shrinks with each passing year.

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