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English Audio Request

326 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Thank you so much guys.
It really really definetely helps me ^^
You guys are awesome.

I want to listen to and practice lots of prononciation and accents so it would be great more than 1 recordings. Whomever, please record my post anytime, anywhere. The number of recording isn't matter.

When you have a time you would add recordings in my ex-posts I really appreciate you.
Even we met each other in on-line, I feel the karma with you guys.

Please I hope you don't forget even 1 post.
My post consist of 18-50 in a year, and each post consist of 3 numbers like 18,19,20.

I love you guys ^^

How much one can earn is important, of course, but there are other equally important considerations, neglect of which may produce frustration in later years. Where there is genuine interest, one may work diligently without even realizing it, and in such situations success follows. More important than success, which generally means promotion or an increase in salary, is the happiness which can only be found in doing work that one enjoys for its own sake and not merely for the rewards it brings.

Even our most highly educated guesses often go disastrously wrong. Albert Einstein remarked, “There is no chance that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable.” Why is predicting the future so difficult? Would it be smart not to try to guess what’s coming next? Not predicting the future would be like driving a car without looking through the windshield. We desperately need people who can foretell the future. They help us narrow the infinity of possible futures down to one or, at least, a few. We look at the present and see the present; they see the seeds of the future. They are our advance scouts, going secretly over the border to bring back priceless information to help the world to come.

Our bodies have the natural ability to fight off bacteria and diseases when they enter our bodies. But there are other diseases that our bodies cannot successfully resist on their own. In order to prevent such diseases, it is advised that everyone over the age of twenty-five should have a regular physical examination. During a regular examination a doctor checks weight, vision and hearing problems, blood pressure, and so on. The doctor also carries out some special tests to detect such dangerous diseases as cancer and diabetes, if necessary. The information from both check-ups and tests provides important insight into the patient’s overall physical condition. Hence, the time spent on regular examinations is a sensible investment in good health.



June 28, 2010

Thank you so much 'vankrot' :)


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