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English Audio Request

366 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
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Thank you so much guys.
It really really definetely helps me ^^
You guys are awesome.

I want to listen to and practice lots of prononciation and accents so it would be great more than 1 recordings. Whomever, please record my post anytime, anywhere. The number of recording isn't matter.

When you have a time you would add recordings in my ex-posts I really appreciate you.
Even we met each other in on-line, I feel the karma with you guys.

Please I hope you don't forget even 1 post.
My post consist of 18-50 in a year, and each post consist of 3 numbers like 18,19,20.

I love you guys ^^

You may have had this experience. A person calls you on the telephone. Apparently assuming you will recognize her voice, she does not provide any verbal content which would help you identify her. For example, you pick up the phone and say, “Hello,” and the voice on the other end says, “Hi, how are you doing?” At this point you realize you don’t know who it is! So you try to extend the conversation without admitting your ignorance, hoping some verbal clues will be given or that you'll eventually recognize the caller’s voice. As a result, you say something like, “Fine. What have you been up to?”

In the beginning of telephone conversations, voice as well as verbal clues plays important roles in identifying callers.

The adult forgets the troubles of his youth. Comparing the remembered carefree past with his immediate problems, the mature man thinks that troubles belong only to the present. The twelve-year-old, the adult thinks, does not worry about salary or professional advancement. When the roof leaks, only the parent worries about what contractor to employ or about how he will repair it himself. To the adult, then, childhood is a time of freedom. The child, however, wishes always to be a man. He finds freedom in the future. To him, adulthood is a time of wealth, and his father or mother never needs to worry about saving to buy a bicycle.

Happiness is too seldom found in the present; it is remembered as a thing of the past or looked forward to as a part of the future.

Shadows crept across the room, cast from old furniture as the bright fire made them jump from side to side. The winter storm blew against the windows throwing snow high against the sides of the small log cabin. In the center of the room was a table with two old silver candlesticks and two glasses of red wine. Soft music played in the background. Between the two wine glasses was a small empty box. It had contained a gold ring with a small diamond that his grandmother had given to him. Tonight, the girl across from him was wearing it, beaming.



June 25, 2010

There were a few times I had to correct myself. Hope this helps.

June 26, 2010

^^ Thanks so much! I really helps me.

June 28, 2010

Your recordings really helps me :)


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