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English Audio Request

251 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Thank you so much guys.
It really really definetely helps me ^^
You guys are awesome.

I want to listen to and practice lots of prononciation and accents so it would be great more than 1 recordings. Whomever, please record my post anytime, anywhere. The number of recording isn't matter.

When you have a time you would add recordings in my ex-posts I really appreciate you.
Even we met each other in on-line, I feel the karma with you guys.

Please I hope you don't forget even 1 post.
My post consist of 18-50 in a year, and each post consist of 3 numbers like 18,19,20.

I love you guys ^^

I have been asked to assist in creating a committee to improve the Sunshine Charity. We are trying to form a strong committee, and I have been asked to request you to join it. I know you will be interested in the objective of our committee. We all know how invaluable your advice and help will be. The first meeting will be held here at 11 a.m. next Thursday. I hope you will be able to come, and that you will agree to sit on the committee.

For the past 25 years you have been a valued and respected employee of this company. Since you started in the mail room in 1979, your contributions to this firm have been invaluable. Your skills led to your being promoted to executive secretary in 1992. Thus, it is safe to say that without your contributions over the years, we would not be as successful as we have been. On behalf of all the executives, we wish you well and hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement.

Since it manufactured its first car in 1955, Korea has grown to be the sixth largest automobile producer in the world. It is expected to be among the world’s top four auto-making countries by 2010 after the U.S., Japan, and Germany, owing to its competitiveness in small car manufacturing, skilled human workforce, and leading information technology. With an expected production of 6.5 million units in 2010, Korea will hold 10 percent of the global auto market.



June 28, 2010

You're so nice!!


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