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English Audio Request

312 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Would you please record
"2007_18-20", "2007_21-23" in my post?
Maybe they're in request page number two? three?.haha.
If you would do, so thank you very much!!

(Sorry I have many request)

One myth tells how a group of gods had a meeting to decide where to hide the “truth of the universe” from people. The first god suggested putting it under the ocean, but the others shouted him down, saying that people would build an underwater boat to take themselves there to find it. A second god suggested hiding it on a planet far from the earth, but the other gods realized that a craft might be built to reach this destination as well. Finally, a third god suggested that they hang it around the neck of every human being. The other gods agreed that people would never look at it for the truth. So they did exactly as the third god had suggested.

Usually, filmmakers shoot more film than is needed. An uncut movie might last four or five hours. Working in an office or studio, these people cut the film down to about two hours. Selecting and assembling scenes, they cut out parts that don’t fit in well. Sometimes they discover parts that seem to drag. They speed up the action by shortening or cutting slow scenes. Their work may take several months. After all the scenes have finally been joined in the correct order, the film is ready for presentation.

On most subway trains, the doors open automatically at each station. But when you are on the Mtro, the subway in Paris, things are different. I watched a man on the Mtro try to get off the train and fail. When the train came to his station, he got up and stood patiently in front of the door, waitingfor it to open.It never opened. The train simply started up again and went on to the next station. In the Mtro, you have to open the doors yourself by pushing a button, depressing a lever or sliding them.




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