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English Audio Request

350 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Most of us believe that we can trust in technology to solve our problems. Whatever problem you name, you can also name some hoped-for technological solution. Some of us have faith that we shall solve our dependence on fossil fuels by developing new technologies for hydrogen engines, wind energy, or solar energy. Some of us have faith that we shall solve our food problems with genetically modified crops newly or soon to be developed. Those with such faith assume that the new technologies will ultimately succeed, without harmful side effects. However, there is no basis for believing that technology will not cause new and unanticipated problems while solving the problems that it previously produced.

After the snowstorm came thick fog, and in that fog, Fredrick’s men soon lost their way on an ice river with hundreds of big holes in it. Not only could they see nothing in front of them, but they were tired and ill and could not walk any more. So they had to stay in their tents near the mountains for four days. After that time, Fredrick went to Albert Marshall’s tent. “You are ill, Albert,” he said. “You can’t come to the Pole. Take two men and go back tomorrow.” Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall’s sled disappeared slowly in the distance.

In the early 1960s, London Bridge was in trouble. Cars, trucks, and buses were too heavy for it, and the bridge was sinking into the Thames river. London city officials wanted to build a new bridge, and a businessman named Robert McCulloch decided to buy the old bridge and move it to Arizona. Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, numbering the bricks, and sent them to Los Angeles. From there they were taken to Arizona and were reassembled by workers in the Arizona desert. The bridge was finally completed in 1971. However, McCulloch knew he needed more than a famous bridge to attract people to Lake Havasu City, so he created an English village with typical English shops and restaurants. Today, London Bridge is one of Arizona’s biggest attractions.




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