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English Audio Request

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Every society needs heroes, and every society has them. Some heroes shine in the face of great adversity, performing amazing deeds in difficult situations; other heroes do their work quietly, unnoticed by most of us, but making a difference in the lives of other people. Whatever their type, heroes are selfless people who perform extraordinary acts. The true mark of heroes lies not necessarily in the result of their actions, but in what they are willing to do for others and for their chosen causes. Even if they fail, their determination lives on to inspire the rest of us. Their glory lies not in their achievements but in their sacrifices.

Design and styling cannot be fully understood outside of their social, economic, political, cultural, and technological contexts. For example, the cycles of Western economies during the 20th century had a significant impact on the prevalence of objects that emphasized design over styling― and the other way round. While design and styling are interrelated, they are completely distinct fields. Styling is concerned with surface treatment and appearance, the expressive qualities of a product. Design, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with problem solving, the function of a product. It generally seeks simplification and essentiality.

Dominique-Jean Larrey was born on July 8, 1766, in France. Larrey began his medical studies in Toulouse. During the Revolution, in 1792, he joined the Army of the North as a military surgeon. He introduced field hospitals, ambulance service, and first-aid treatment to the battlefield. He eventually became principal surgeon of the French Army and thereafter followed Napoleon Bonaparte in almost all his campaigns in Egypt, Italy, Russia, and finally at Waterloo. After the fall of Napoleon, Larrey’s medical reputation saved him, and he was named a member of the Academy of Medicine at its founding in 1820.




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