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English Audio Request

346 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:


Upon entering a record store, one encounters a wide variety of genres from easy listening to jazz and classical music. Jazz and classical music have a number of things in common. However, they also have a number of differences. Before sound recording, classical music was passed down through written scores, whereas early jazz mainly relied on live performance. The composers are in control in classical music; they write the musical notes along with detailed instructions. In jazz, on the contrary, the performers often improvise their own melodies. In sum, classical music and jazz both aim to provide a depth of expression and detail, but they achieve their goal through different approaches.

Our guest arrived in the broadcasting studio, and I opened my show at 11:05 with a brief introduction about his background. Then I asked my first question, and he just said, “I don’t know.” A few more questions followed, but all were answered in one of three ways: “Yes.” “No.” or “I don’t know.” I looked up at the clock in the studio. It was 11:09, and I was out of material. I had nothing left to ask this guy. Everyone in the studio was standing around with the same thought: “What are we going to do? We have fifty minutes left. Listeners all over the country are going to reach for the tuning dials on their radios any second now.”

Of all the ways that automobiles damage the urban environment and lower the quality of life in big cities, few are as maddening and unnecessary as car alarms. Alarms are more than just an annoyance; they are a costly public health problem and a constant irritation to urban civil life. The benefits, meanwhile, are nonexistent. Auto makers, alarm installers, insurers, police, and the biggest experts of all―car thieves―all agree that alarms do nothing to stop theft. What’s more, there are now a number of good, inexpensive car security devices available on the market. It’s time for us all to reconsider the seriousness of the problem and to do something about it.

