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English Audio Request

331 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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Walking down the street, you may not even notice the trees, but, according to a new study, they do a lot more than give shade. Environmental scientists chose two Chicago public housing projects, both of which had some buildings with lots of trees nearby, and some with practically none. According to the study, violence and property crimes were nearly twice as high in sections of the buildings where vegetation was low, compared with the sections where vegetation was high. Why? One explanation: Greenery creates a natural gathering space for neighbors and, ultimately, stronger bonds in the community. This can also create an atmosphere where children are better supervised, and buildings better watched.

People tend to stick to their first impressions, even if they are wrong. Suppose you mention the name of your new neighbor to a friend. “Oh, I know him,” your friend replies. “He seems nice at first, but it’s all an act.” Perhaps this evaluation is groundless. The neighbor may have changed since your friend knew him, or perhaps your friend’s judgment is simply unfair. Whether the judgment is accurate or not, once you accept it, it will probably influence the way you respond to the neighbor. Even if this neighbor were a saint, you would be likely to interpret his behavior in ways that fit your expectation.

A common mistake in talking to celebrities is to assume that they don’t know much about anything else except their occupations. In fact, the movie business and the athletic world are full of intelligent, educated, and informed men and women who are interested and involved in a wide variety of activities and causes. Yet they are asked only about acting or sports. If you happen to know about the celebrity’s ‘extracurricular’ interest, you might find he or she will speak to you about it much more freely than about his or her professional life. For example, ask Paul Newman, the famous actor, about his charity work with kids.



June 15, 2010

part 25: I said "your" instead of "the", sorry.

June 15, 2010

^^ So thanks for your recording, vankrot
maybe it won't that kind of serious problem.
How nice of you!


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