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English Audio Request

302 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Thank you for sending your poems to this publishing house. I have had the opportunity to look them over, and I feel that they show considerable promise, despite your youth and lack of experience in this genre. There is still much room for development, however, and I am afraid they are not yet appropriate for publishing in any of our current poetry journals. You indicate in your cover letter that you intend to follow a literary career. Please allow me to offer my best wishes for your future literary efforts.

I was five years old when my father introduced me to motor sports. Dad thought it was a normal family outing to go to a car racing event. It was his way of spending some quality time with his wife and kids. Little did he know that he was fueling his son with a passion that would last for a lifetime. I still remember the awesome feeling I had on that day in May when my little feet carried me up the stairs into the grandstands at the car racing stadium.

To be a mathematician you don’t need an expensive laboratory. The typical equipment of a mathematician is a blackboard and chalk. It is better to do mathematics on a blackboard than on a piece of paper because chalk is easier to erase, and mathematical research is often filled with mistakes. One more thing you need to do is to join a club devoted to mathematics. Not many mathematicians can work alone; they need to talk about what they are doing. If you want to be a mathematician, you had better expose your new ideas to the criticism of others. It is so easy to include hidden assumptions that you do not see but that are obvious to others.




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