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English Audio Request

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It really helps me.

Located 1,100 feet above the tiny coastal town of Amalfi, Ravello has been described as closer to heaven than to the sea. Two irresistibly romantic gardens—the Villa Rufolo and the Villa Cimbrone—justify its reputation as ‘the place where poets go to die.’ Hotel guests can hope to experience breathtaking views of the deep blue sea from Palazzo Sasso. Constructed in the 12th century, now a deluxe hotel, Palazzo Sasso is all about the view. Richard Wagner found inspiration on this site in 1880, penning a part of Parsifal during a stay here. Every summer an internationally famous classical Wagner music festival takes place in the garden of the Villa Rufolo.

Recreational tree climbing is an evolving sport. It got its start in 1983, when Peter Jenkins began teaching all sorts of people, including children, how to climb trees safely using a rope and a harness and the recreational tree climbing technique. In the United States, it is now practiced by a thousand or so people but is rapidly growing in popularity. However, those who study rare plants are worried about recreational tree climbers. They fear that these climbers may try to climb the biggest and tallest trees if they learn their exact locations. Any contact between humans and rare plants can be disastrous for the plants.

A status symbol is something, usually an expensive or rare object, that indicates a high social status for its owner. What is considered a status symbol will differ among countries, based on the states of their economic and technological development, and common status symbols will change over time. Status symbols can indicate the cultural values of a society. Let’s take some examples. In a society that cherishes honor or bravery, a battle wound would be more of a status symbol. In a commercial society, where having money or wealth is most important, things that can be brought by wealth, such as cars, houses, or fine clothing, are considered status symbols. And in a society where people craze for beauty, the condition of one’s skin and body can be a status symbol.




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