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English Audio Request

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Thank for you guys recording.
It really helps me.

There is healing power in flowers—and in trees, fresh air, and sweet-smelling soil. Just walking through a garden or, for that matter, seeing one out your window, can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and ease pain. Get out there and start digging, and the benefits multiply. While it may be basic and even old-fashioned, using gardening as a health care tool is blossoming. New or remodeled hospitals and nursing homes increasingly come equipped with healing gardens where patients and staff can get away from barren, indoor surroundings. Many also offer patients a chance to get their hands dirty and their minds engaged in caring for plants.

Most of us buy our food from supermarkets. In fact, many of us don’t even get as far as the supermarket but make our choices at the click of a mouse. We have abandoned our relationship with the food we eat and with the people who produce our food. Is it any wonder that our children don’t know where food comes from? Is it any wonder that we’re tired, overweight, irritable, and low? It is important to be mindful about every single aspect of purchasing food. Try not to race through your shopping. In my hometown, nobody would buy a melon without feeling it and smelling it; and nobody would dream of buying a chicken without knowing which farm it came from and what it ate.

The above chart shows the top five preferred factors for male and female job seekers aged 55 to 79 in 2006. ‘Payment’ is the most preferred factor for both male and female job seekers in this age group. As for men, ‘sustainability’ is the second most favored factor in choosing a job. As for women, ‘workload and time’ is preferred to ‘sustainability’ in their job seeking. The percentage of women who tend to choose a job based on ‘past experience’ is higher than that of men.‘Commuting’ is the least considered factor for both among the top five, but still it is a more favored factor for women than for men.




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