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English Audio Request

376 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Figures A and B demonstrate how dew point is measured by a dew point hygrometer. In Figure A, light is transmitted from a laser and reflected off the mirror onto a receiver that measures the intensity of the observed light. When the
mirror temperature is above dew point and the intensity of the transmitted light is 10 mW/cm2, the intensity of the observed light is the same. In Figure B, when the mirror temperature is at dew point, dew drops cover the surface of the mirror. When the transmitted light hits the dew drops, it becomes scattered. As a consequence, compared to the intensity of the transmitted light, that of the observed light measured by the receiver is increased.

Responses to survey questions are influenced by events, and we should consider this when reviewing the results of a survey. The reputation of an airline, for example, will
be damaged if a survey is conducted just after a plane crash. A computer company lost its reputation in company surveys just after major news
coverage about a defect in its products. On the positive side, surveys by a beverage company about its image showed very favorable public attitudes just after its massive investment in the Olympics. Consequently, surveys should be conducted when the organization is not in the news or connected to a significant event that may influence public opinion. In neutral context, a more valid survey can be conducted about an organization’s reputation, products, or services.

War seems to be part of the history of humanity.
Countries, regions, and even villages were economically
independent of one another in the past. Under those circumstances, the destruction of our enemy might have
been a victory for us. There was a relevance to violence and war. However, today we are so interdependent that the concept of war has become outdated. When we face
problems or disagreements today, we have to arrive at solutions through dialog. We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation and always keep in mind the interests of others. We cannot destroy our neighbors! We
cannot ignore their interests! Doing so would ultimately cause us to suffer. Therefore, the concept of violence is now unsuitable, and nonviolence is the appropriate method.




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