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English Audio Request

359 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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This, in the simplest definition, is a promise enforceable
by law. The promise may be to do something or to stop
from doing something. The making of this requires the
mutual agreement of two or more persons or parties, one of
them ordinarily making an offer and another accepting. If
one of the parties fails to keep the promise, the other has
rights to compensation. The law about this considers such
questions as whether this exists, what the meaning of this
is, whether this has been broken, and what compensation is
due to the injured party.

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and the weekend was
about to begin, but Rob had a lot on his mind. He had
been putting off doing his chemistry report which was due
on Monday. After borrowing some books from the library,
he went home. Later that evening, he was doing the
assignment when his father came in. “What are you doing,
kid?” he asked. “Biography of Marie Curie,” Rob said
absently as he was typing on his computer. “Really?
I did that for a chemistry assignment when I was in school,”
his father said. “Why don’t you find some information
from the encyclopedia over there?” he added. Rob
grabbed the encyclopedia. He smiled thinking that even
though he was practically born playing computer games,
he was still doing the same assignments his father did
over 20 years ago.

Upon receiving your last letter, I rushed to look up
the word ‘flattering’ in the dictionary. I was shocked
to find out that it could imply something negative, which
I certainly did not mean. I should have used some word
like ‘complimentary’ instead. For that, I would like to ask
for the kindness in your heart to forgive my unintended
offense. If you knew me well, you would know that I am
shameless enough to take all compliments at their face
value and not to think that they might be mere flattery.
I just did not know what the word really implied. I hope
that you no longer feel hurt or uncomfortable in any way
as a result of our correspondence.




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