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English Audio Request

297 Words / 3 Recordings / 0 Comments
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The scratching of our pens mingled with the sound of raindrops beginning to fall in the transparent stillness of the evening.

Outside, a warm wind came roaring up, a spring storm.
It seemed to shake the very night view out the terrace window. I continued down the list of my friends’ names, quietly nostalgic. I accidentally skipped Sotaro. The wind was…strong. We could hear the trees and telephone lines rattling. I closed my eyes, my elbows resting on the small folding table, and my thoughts skittered out to the row of shops along the now-silent street below. What was this table doing in the apartment? I couldn’t know. She about whom Yuichi had said, “As soon as she gets an idea in her head, she does it, you know?” must have bought it.

“Don’t fall asleep,” said Yuichi.
“I’m not. I really love doing this, writing change-of-address cards.”
“Yeah, me too. Moving, writing postcards on trips, I really love it.”
“Yeah, but…” I broached the subject a second time.
“These postcards are going to make waves. Won’t you get slapped in the school cafeteria?”
“Is that what you heard today?” He smiled bitterly. It gave me a start in its contrast to his usual smile.
“Well then, isn’t it better to just be honest about it? You’ve done plenty for me already.”
“Cut the crap,” he said. “You think this is the postcard game we’re playing here?”
“What’s ‘the postcard game’?”
“I don’t know…”

We laughed. After that, somehow the conversation strayed off the subject. Even I, slow as I am, finally understood his excessive unnaturalness. When I took a good look in his eyes, I understood.
He was terribly, terribly sad.





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