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English Audio Request

222 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

I prepare for a role of a graverobber from 1700s. It's an amateur play and will be enacted in Budapest, so even though I want to use cockney, I want to be understood and clear, to let the audience understand the story. Please do a Cockney accent from this time (2000s).

Please make a short pause (2-3 sec) between the lines. Thank you!

You got my message.

I wondered if you'd show up.

And this one pays better than any job we've had. It’s also a little more difficult.

A church. Holy Trinity Church. In Stratford-upon-Avon.

Well enough.

As well as I trust you.


Agree to the job first!

I can't give you the details if there's a chance you won't do it. This is a risky job, and if word gets out, there's likely to be a manhunt on.

We'll need to take every precaution. And once we have the item, we'll need to set sail to America.

That will be taken care of. I was given an advance. We’ll be heading to Virginia.

You accept?

This will be the last job we work together. After it’s delivered, we'll go our separate ways. We won't see each other again, at least not for many years.

The skull of William Shakespeare.

The buyer is a collector, it seems.

Just the skull. And afterwards, we'll be sitting pretty for a long time.

I always do. We'll wait until the darkest night. No moon. We'll slip into the church. We'll steal the skull, fill in the hole, replace the floor and head for America on the next ship out.

Starving doesn't feel right.

One last job. Come on, let's not linger. I have preparations to make.


  • Londoners! Looking for authentic Cockney speaker (2) ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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