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English Audio Request

233 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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I'm going to present this program to all of my classmates, so it'd be really nice of you to record it. Thank you!

The economic depression is not over yet.
The ups and downs of economy always make us nervous.
That’s why we have created a system called Happy Exchange (H.E) for all of Hanoi University’s students. This project is based on a very successful program called LEST (Local Exchange System) that now exists in many countries all over the world, such as France, Germany, Australia and the United Kingdom. The most special thing about our program is that we do not count on the national currency (VND). We create a new one! (Let’s just call it Kay, but it’s just a silly name, so don’t worry about it) So that whether the VND is up or down, it doesn’t matter. We know that our students are really talented. By providing resources to others, you can earn our interest-free Kay, and then spend it on buying something else. For example, none of our group’s members is good at drawing, so making this poster took us a lot of time. If you know how to create a fabulous one, you can help us and earn 1K, so that next time if you need someone to make a cake for you, you can pay them with that 1 Kay. It's simple!! We can save a lot of real money.
If you want to get more information, please contact us through our email: .
Thank you for listening!


  • Happy Exchage for Hanoi University's students ( recorded by ielanguages ), American (Michigan/Midwest)

    Download Unlock
  • Happy Exchage for Hanoi University's students ( recorded by Michaelt ), American English

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