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English Audio Request

322 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

You won't find Sealand on most maps. It's just 2000 square metres standing on two legs at the bottom of the ocean. It’s only ten kilometres from Britain. However, it was in a part of sea considered international waters. The british government claims it's part of the united kingtom. However, international lawyers dont agree. They say that sealand is an independent country. Consequently, on sealand, there arent any laws and no police, and now, that situation is causing big problems.
First a little history on Sealand.
The british built sealand as a fort during world war II, which they abandoned after the war. For many years sealand sat empty. 
Then in 1967 english businessman Roy Bates and his family arrived. Consulting maps, Bates realised that Sealand didn’t belong to the UK - in fact, it didn’t belong to anyone, so he decided that it should now belong to him.
Bates declared Sealand an independent country, and promptly crowned himself Prince Roy of sealand and his wife princess joan. Although they were the only family in the country, they created passports and postage stamps. They designed a flag and printed (a) currency, established a constitution and composed a national anthem. At that time it all seemed like a good joke.
But in fact, Sealand made a big profit from selling passports. Later they had problems because many fake passports were produced as well.
in 2000, things became more serious. Prince roy signed an agreement with a company called HavenCo. Havenco spent millions of dollars and installed lots of big expensive computers in Sealand. people could store all types of data on Sealand’s computers, which the government and police couldn’t touch. The police alleged that criminals were using these computers. Sealand didnt agree. They said they just wanted to promote free communication.
In 2007 Sealand was put on sale for 750 million euro. 
Plans are presently underway to open an online casino in 2012




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