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English Audio Request

191 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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animal symbolism in Native American culture

listen to the riddles and guess who I'm

1. Who am I?
To many Native Americans I’m the true symbol of both strength and wisdom. I’m also associated with healing and medicine since I continue to fight despite my injuries.

Of all the land animals, I’m the most accomplished hunter. For Native Americans I represent together loyalty, strong family attachment and intelligence. I’m also one the messenger of the Great Spirit.

I’m the symbol of both abundance and life. I played a critical part in Native Americans survival. Every part of me was used for food, clothing, tools, and the tipis.

In the creation myth of some tribes, the Great Spirit created the homeland by placing Earth on my back.I symbolise long life, protection and fertility;

I played a critical part in Native Americans lives. I was a partner for hunting, warfare and a means of transportation. I’m the symbol of companionship, devotion and loyalty.

Of all the air animals, I’m the most accomplished hunter. I’m the truly messenger of the Great Spirit. I represent both fierceness and loyalty.




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