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English Audio Request

87 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Hello guys
in this activity students will have to complete the text below with blanks, the words are into parenthesIS;
don't read too fast please!
many thanks to you!

Working as a volunteer: a testimony

Part 1:

Aline Sternberg is 24 years old. She (studies )social sciences .She (lives in ) Belgium. She (joined a program with) « Volunteers Without Borders » in India (to provide) education to children from slum areas.

Part 2:

Aline strongly (recommends) people( to volunteer) abroad or internationally because it’s an amazing and (moving ) experience and because you can (meet) great people, you can (get a taste of) a different culture and above all (make )the world (a better place).


  • working as a volunteer part 1 ( recorded by cpark44321 ), Californian

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    Corrected Text

    Working as a volunteer: a testimony

    Part 1:

    Aline Sternberg is 24 years old. She (studies )social sciences .She (lives in ) Belgium. She (joined a program with) « Volunteers Without Borders » in India (to provide) education to children from slum areas.

    Part 2:

    Aline strongly (recommends) that people ( volunteer) abroad or internationally because it’s an amazing and (moving ) experience and because you can (meet) great people, you can (get a taste of) a different culture and above all (make )the world (a better place).



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