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English Audio Request

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Thesaurus Article: TO INCREASE
By Colin McIntosh, Cambridge English Thesaurus

These verbs refer to something getting bigger in size, amount, degree, etc., or causing something to get bigger in size, degree, amount, etc.
One of the most common words for this is increase /ɪnˈkriːs/.
We need to increase production to meet demand.
Any chance they can increase my wages?

The opposite of increase is decrease /dɪˈkriːs/.
Our attendance numbers have been decreasing every month.
For more opposites of increase, see the article at decrease.

The verbs grow /ɡrəʊ/ and rise /raɪz/ are common alternatives to increase.
The number of people living alone grows each year.
Prices rose by 10 per cent.

The phrasal verb go up /ɡəʊ ʌp/ is often used when prices increase.
House prices keep going up.
The price of fuel has gone up by 5p a litre.

If something suddenly increases by a large amount, you can use verbs such as escalate /ˈeskəleɪt/, rocket /ˈrɑːkɪt/, or soar /sɔːr/.
Crime in the city has escalated in recent weeks.
Building costs have rocketed by 70%.
House prices have soared this year.

If someone makes something increase in size or amount, you can use verbs, like expand /ɪkˈspænd/ or extend /ɪkˈstend/.
We’re hoping to expand our range of products.
The company extended its sales territory this year.

The verb maximize /ˈmæksɪmaɪz/ is sometimes used when someone tries to increase something as much as possible. The UK spelling of this word is usually maximise.
We need to maximize profits.




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