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English Audio Request

362 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Please read this vocabulary lesson at your natural speed, though it should not be too fast so that I could imitate your pronunciation easily.

We have been talking about a traditional ceremony and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

EXPLAIN why ceremonies are so important to a society

Traditional ceremonies are an integral part of the oral traditions, folklore and culture of the nation passed on from generation to generation. Such traditional cultural events provide the opportunity for children, youth and visitors to assimilate the country’s values and beliefs. Ceremonies enable inhabitants to fully participate in culture and heritage of the country.

CONSIDER how the importance of culture and tradition can be taught to young people who may not be interested in it

It is important to integrate cultural events into schools so that children get interested at a young age and make it fun for them. A lot of traditions have rituals or routines and young kids love this. For example, when I was young I loved the rituals in church and although it had very little meaning for me, I would enjoy going and participating. Children love to feel like they belong and therefore the earlier you do things the better.

DESCRIBE how ceremonies in your country have changed

As I have previously mentioned the traditional wedding ceremony has changed from something which was about two people in love joining together into something which is about spending as much as possible to impress other people. It is like people are trying to outdo each other. Other ceremonies have changed too for example baptisms. In the past people went to church and their children were baptised. Nowadays it is just a photo opportunity and the vast majority of people who get their children baptised do not even go to church.

SPECULATE on how ceremonies may change in the future

I reckon that there will be even fewer ceremonies in the future. Couples will probably not even bother with the church ceremony and just jump straight into the photos to save a bit of money which can be spent on the bride’s hair and makeup. As societies are becoming more multicultural there will be even fewer events in schools for fear of offending another race or religion.


  • Traditional ceremony, Questions ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    Corrected Text

    We have been talking about a traditional ceremony and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    EXPLAIN why ceremonies are so important to a society

    Traditional ceremonies are an integral part of the oral traditions, folklore and culture of the nation passed on from generation to generation. Such traditional cultural events provide the opportunity for children, youth and visitors to assimilate the country’s values and beliefs. Ceremonies enable inhabitants to fully participate in culture and heritage of the country.

    CONSIDER how the importance of culture and tradition can be taught to young people who may not be interested in it

    It is important to integrate cultural events into schools so that children get interested at a young age and (ADDED: teachers need to) make it fun for them. A lot of traditions have rituals or routines and young kids love this. For example, when I was young I loved the rituals in church and although it had very little meaning for me, I would enjoy going and participating. Children love to feel like they belong and therefore the earlier you do things the better.

    DESCRIBE how ceremonies in your country have changed

    As I have previously mentioned the traditional wedding ceremony has changed from something which was about two people in love joining together into something which is about spending as much as possible to impress other people. It is like people are trying to outdo each other. Other ceremonies have changed too, for example, baptisms. In the past people went to church and their children were baptized. Nowadays it is just a photo opportunity and the vast majority of people who get their children baptized do not even go to church.

    SPECULATE on how ceremonies may change in the future

    I [reckon CHANGED TO] predict that there will be even fewer ceremonies in the future. Couples will probably not even bother with the church ceremony and just jump straight into the photos to save a bit of money which can be spent on the bride’s hair and makeup. As societies are becoming more multicultural there will be even fewer events in schools for fear of offending another race or religion.


June 18, 2021

Hi Diane. I did realize your edits. Thanks so much for your support!


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