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English Audio Request

454 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Please read this vocabulary lesson at your natural speed, though it should not be too fast so that I could imitate your pronunciation easily.

We have been talking about a room and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

CONSIDER whether it is important for a child to have a room of her/his own

As I have previously mentioned when I was younger I shared a bedroom with my sister and then when I reached the age of five we got separate rooms. I think it was vitally important to share when we were young, as we formed a very strong bond, however as you get older I think it is vital to have your own space. I think this is particularly critical in the teenage years. Teenagers start to have many issues such as body issues when they reach the age of 13, therefore a room of their own is necessary.

EXPLAIN how many rooms a typical family actually needs

In this country we seem to think that we need a bedroom for everyone, a kitchen, a dining room, two living rooms, a utility room, a bathroom and an ensuite for everyone. However, if you look at countries like Africa they all live in one room and are extremely happy. I think in this country we have become obsessed with ‘personal space’ and people think their status is related to how big our house is. In reality we only need a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.

CONSIDER whether there are any advantages for young children of sharing a room

In this country it is recommended that babies share their parents’ room for at least the first six months. I personally feel that it should be longer. The baby is carried around for nine months by the mother and then to leave it in a room alone seems cruel to me. If there are siblings, I think they should share a room at least until they are five. The major advantages of this are learning skills such as sharing, being considerate to other people’s needs and cooperation.

EXPLAIN how children develop their independence

Independence develops from an early age. I would say that the first thing that starts is when a child learns how to use a spoon and feed him or herself. This is a significant development in children because they are progressing from being totally dependent on the mother to gaining some independence. The next stage is refusing food. This is a key development in childhood because they are learning that they can say no and they do not have to put everything in their mouth. If they do not go through this stage, then they will end up putting everything in their mouths. Further development includes things walking and talking, developing independence is a step-by-step process.


  • Room, Questions ( recorded by Cats ), Canadian

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    Corrected Text

    We have been talking about a room and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    CONSIDER whether it is important for a child to have a room of her/his own

    As I have previously mentioned, when I was younger I shared a bedroom with my sister.
    hen I reached the age of five we got separate rooms. I think it was vitally important to share when we were young, as we formed a very strong bond, however as you get older I think it is vital to have your own space. I think this is particularly critical in the teenage years. Teenagers start to have many issues such as body issues when they reach the age of 13, therefore a room of their own is necessary.

    EXPLAIN how many rooms a typical family actually needs

    In this country, we seem to think that we need a bedroom for everyone, a kitchen, a dining room, two living rooms, a utility room, a bathroom, and an ensuite for everyone. However, if you look at countries like Africa they all live in one room and are extremely happy. I think in this country we have become obsessed with ‘personal space’ and people think their status is related to how big our house is. In reality, we only need a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom.

    CONSIDER whether there are any advantages for young children of sharing a room

    In this country, it is recommended that babies share their parents’ room for at least the first six months. I personally feel that it should be longer. The baby is carried around for nine months by the mother and then to leave it in a room alone seems cruel to me. If there are siblings, I think they should share a room at least until they are five. The major advantages of this are learning skills such as sharing, being considerate to other people’s needs, and cooperation.

    EXPLAIN how children develop their independence

    Independence develops from an early age. I would say that the first thing that starts is when a child learns how to use a spoon and feed him or herself. This is a significant development in children because they are progressing from being totally dependent on the mother to gaining some independence. The next stage is refusing food. This is a key development in childhood because they are learning that they can say no and they do not have to put everything in their mouth. If they do not go through this stage, then they will end up putting everything in their mouths. Further development includes things like walking and talking. Developing independence is a step-by-step process.


June 16, 2021

Regarding "In this country it is recommended ..." I said a different word than recommended! Otherwise, I think I got everything.


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