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English Audio Request

342 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Please read this vocabulary lesson at your natural speed, though it should not be too fast so that I could imitate your pronunciation easily.

Describe a room, which was important to you when you were young

Where was it?
What was it like?
Why was it so important to you?

For the first five years of my life I lived with my family, mum, dad and sister, in a very small bungalow. There were only two bedrooms, therefore my sister and I had to share. She is six years older than me and I think for her it was a major issue sharing with her little sister, but for me it was wonderful and I loved every minute of it. We had a double bed and we would struggle to get to sleep every night because we used to spend ages just chatting about things that had happened. That is how it is in my memory, in reality it was probably me talking nonsense because I was under the age of five and her getting annoyed because she wanted to sleep. Outside the room there was a street light which was on all night long but because I was young this was great for me because I was scared of the dark, but with the street light the room was illuminated. I remember when we moved to a new house, which had five bedrooms and so we were able to have our own bedroom, I was extremely upset. For the first time in my life I had my own bed and bedroom and for a long time I hated it. I can still remember sneaking into her bedroom when my mum and dad were asleep. She would get annoyed because we had single beds so there was not enough room for the two of us. She would let me stay though. As I got older I appreciated having my own room and my own space, but I still have fond memories of sharing a room with my sister. We are still very close today and I think that closeness was formed when we shared our bedroom in the ‘little house’ as we used to call it.



June 18, 2021

Thanks so much for your support, Anita9999!


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