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English Audio Request

591 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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Please read the vocabulary lesson at your natural speed, though it should not be too fast so that I could hear what you speak naturally and imitate yours.

We have been talking about a photograph and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

COMPARE whether it is better to take photographs or buy postcards when on holiday
Photographs would be my preferred option, as you can choose what you would like to take a photograph of rather than having to buy what is on offer. Also photographs are much more personal and you can include people in your photos, which makes them more meaningful and creates memories for the future. Admittedly the quality of postcards may be better, I mean the quality of the photography as they are taken by professional photographers, however nowadays with digital cameras it is possible to take lots of photos and delete them until you get one that you are happy with.

EXPLAIN why photographs are used in advertising
I think that photographs are used in advertising primarily to make the product appear more attractive. This could be done in several different ways such as using celebrities or photographing the product in an exotic location. For example, when David Beckham was advertising razors it made the product appear sexy and more people wanted to buy it. Photographs are visual and create an immediate impact which is hard to do with just words.

EXPLAIN why some families choose to have a professional photographer take a photo of them
Personally this is something that I would never choose to do, as I think that posed photos are tasteless. I think the reason that a lot of families choose to do this is that they want to have a memory of the time the family was all together and I suppose when you are talking a photo yourself somebody is usually taking the photo and therefore not in it. However, these days cameras are so sophisticated and have self-timers so this shouldn’t be a problem. I also believe that there is a misconception that posed photos taken by a photographer are better than photographs that you take yourself, however I strongly dispute this, as I feel that natural photographs where you have captured a moment are more special.

CONSIDER whether shocking photographs should be used in TV news reports Student: Recently there has been a proliferation of shocking photos which have appeared in TV news reports, for example a young woman was murdered in Iran and this was captured on a mobile phone. This image has been transmitted around the world. I find it appalling, but the net result of it is that we become immune to such images. A further example of this is the shocking number of young people who have been murdered in London and images frequently appear in the paper or on the internet. We have seen so many of them and now they fail to shock us.

SPECULATE on whether people will take photographs in fifty years’ time
I cannot imagine a world where photographs are not taken. Digital cameras are becoming more sophisticated and nearly everyone owns one nowadays. What could replace them? I suppose there are video recordings but these have so far not been as popular as photographs, as you need a piece of equipment to display them on whereas you can carry a photo in your wallet. I think it is fair to say that there won’t be as many actual photographs in albums, as most photographs are stored on computers and are not printed out. This is a shame because future generations will not be able to see them.



April 7, 2021

I hope this serves, sunflower!

April 20, 2021

Thanks so much for your help, Mr. Kent Fisher!


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