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English Audio Request

388 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read the vocabulary lesson at your natural speed, though it should not be too fast so that I could hear what you speak naturally and imitate yours. Part 1 can be found at Thank you!

Describe a radio programme you have heard recently

What was it about?
When did you hear it?
Why did you like it and how did it influence you?

Student: I listen to the radio a lot but most of the time I have it on in the background and am not listening to it intently. However, there was a new radio show on Sunday evening which I read about it in the newspaper and I made a point of listening to it. It was presented by Russell Brand, a comedian, and Noel Gallagher, from the group Oasis. They are both massive football fans and did a two-hour show talking about football. To be honest I was a bit sceptical about the programme and didn’t think it would be very good because Noel is a singer and guitarist not a radio presenter; however, I was pleasantly surprised by it. It was extremely entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Basically, they told lots of anecdotes. These anecdotes were on the whole really funny. This show was a pilot show, that means it was like a test show to see if it would be popular and if enough people listened to it, then they would get the opportunity to make more of these shows. It was broadcast on a radio station called Talksport, which is a British radio station specialising in talking about sport obviously. They do not play any music on this station. During the day, I tend to listen to music programmes on Radio 1, however in the evening I like to wind down by listening to talk programmes on radio stations such as 5Live, Radio 4 or Talksport. Sometimes these kinds of shows can get irritating because the presenters talk rubbish or say things to be controversial. To be honest when I am listening to such programmes a lot of the time I am distracted and reading the paper or doing something else, but this programme with Russell and Noel I found compulsive listening and had to stop reading my paper to focus on it. I don’t think it influenced me in any particular way. It made me laugh and took my mind off other things, which is good for relaxing and relieving stress. I will certainly look out for further shows and will definitely listen to them.


  • Radio programme (1) ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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