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English Audio Request

85 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please speak not too fast and clearly. Thanks for your help.

Queen Elizabeth's favourite meal is breakfast. She prefers to keep it simple when it comes to breakfast.
For breakfast, she usually drinks a cup of tea. She doesn't drink coffee. She doesn't have sugar in her tea. She eats cornflakes with a spoonful of apricots, prunes, strawberries or macademia nuts. She eats biscuits, she loves jam pennies biscuits but she doesn't eat scones for breakfast.

At weekends, she sometimes has eggs and smoked salmon. She also likes toast and marmelade and she loves chocolate cake.



March 16, 2022

Thank you so much LozzieUnuicorn! Just perfect!

March 16, 2022

Great! Any time ;)


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