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English Audio Request

87 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

text for beginners, slow reading please!

Guy Fawkes is a catholic conspirator. He wants to blow up the British Parliament and kill James 1st, the protestant King.
He meets with his friends and they think about a plan: they are going to use gunpowder.
But their plot is discovered by British soldiers and Guy Fawkes is arrested and sent to prison, the Tower of London, on November 6th 1605.
Today people celebrate the 5th of November with fireworks, bonfire and various good things to eat (toffee apples, parkin pies, hot dogs and potatoes).


  • Guy fawkes ( recorded by DanielleClara ), Canadian/American

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    Corrected Text

    Guy Fawkes is a Catholic conspirator. He wants to blow up the British parliament and kill James I, the Protestant king.
    He meets with his friends and they think about a plan: they are going to use gunpowder.
    But their plot is discovered by British soldiers and Guy Fawkes is arrested and sent to prison, the Tower of London, on November 5th, 1605.
    Today people celebrate the 5th of November with fireworks, bonfires and various good things to eat (toffee apples, pumpkin pies, hot dogs and potatoes).


Nov. 6, 2022

You are a life saver, I was going to use it tomorrow but I didn't have the text, now I do!!
Thank you again, I love your recordings, neat, precise, clear!


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