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English Audio Request

312 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please, not too fast with a kind of deep, a bit scary voice if possible!

This is a story about a man named Ichabod Crane, a smart and friendly teacher who moved to Tarry Town, a country town near the haunted valley of Sleepy Hollow.
Ichabod opened a school house for the local children who loved and adored him and he also taught singing to some pupils.
As he began to get to know the town's people, Ichabod met Katrina Van Tassel, a beautiful girl who was the daughter of a rich farmer. Ichabod wanted to win her heart and so he hoped to get to know her better as her singing teacher.
However, another man named Brom Van Brunt was also pursuing her and became Ichabod's rival. As his rival continued to persecute him, Ichabod stuck to his plan of slowly trying to win Katrina's heart and when he was invited to a party at Katrina's house, he dressed up and tried to make the most of the oportunity by being social and impressing Katrina with his dancing.
The town's people closed the night by sharing scary stories, including the story of a headless horseman, the legendary ghost with a pumpkin head that haunted sleepy hollow entire town.
Feeling good about himself, Ichabod left the party on horseback and headed home.
As he neared a bridge, he saw a dark figure, he tried to talk to the mysterious figure but it said nothing.
Then, scared and panicking, Ichabod steered his horse to galopp faster and faster. However, the figure chased him and then Ichabod realised that the figure was the Headless Horseman. The Horseman chased him and just as Ichabod thought he had escaped, the Horseman threw his pumpkin head at him and it attached itself to his head.
In the end the people from tarry Town were left wondering what had happened to Ichabod and his story was added to the lore of Sleepy Hollow.



Aug. 3, 2021

Great recording! Thank you so much!


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