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English Audio Request

125 Words / 3 Recordings / 1 Comments
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In quantitative and qualitative tests, we make the test shelves realistic as exactly as possible by using the actual shelves and real mock-ups so that we can understand the whole perception.In the earliest stages of development of a brand, I think it is good to resolve the consumers' perception. We often see marketers collect many partial perception to understand the consumers in market surveys. But on the other hand, we often have a feeling that each of them is right but something is wrong as a whole. No matter how hard we may consider the partial perception, we can not understand the whole perception at all. This is because a man first defines things as a whole. Therefore, we focus on understanding the whole perception.



Dec. 11, 2011

I've been studying English for 3years.
Writing and Reading has improved. However, Speaking and Listening has not enough improved to satisfy myself.


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