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English Audio Request

316 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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I need natural speed please.
This will be used with business English students and has to "sound real" so don't hesitate to make a few changes if necessary. This should come from one colleague to another and will lead to writing a email of complaint. So please don't change any names or background information.
Thank you!!

Hi Morgan !

This is Andy from Sales. We haven’t seen each other in ages! I hope you’re doing alright.

Listen, we’ve been having some trouble lately with the bookings made with Trailfinders. We never had to complain until now. I don’t understand what is going on with them. Everything happened in the last few weeks. Anyway, we’ve had various problems with their application, ViewTrail. The information given on the app is not very reliable. They seem to have problems with updates. It’s especially bad on iPhones.

There was also Katy who once arrived in Brussels and didn’t get any ready transfer to Bruges as planned. The travel consultant was not answering her call so she had to organise it by herself and lost almost three hours. And Kevin, Kevin Miller, not Adamson… If it’d been Kevin Adamson I’d have first checked with him! Anyway Kevin Miller had to go to another hotel in Munich. A change at the last minute is not really a problem but the thing is, he only found out the hotel was closed for bankruptcy when he got there! Apparently the place had been closed down for two months and Trailfinders wasn’t aware! He did get the travel consultant on the phone but the guy wouldn’t book in another hotel because to him, it was still open! Kevin had to insist heavily to get a new booking!

Now I hate to say this Morgan but I think we need to make a formal complaint. They rely so much on their application! The fact that it’s not working properly… That alone would be enough to ask for a partial refund! But what happened to Katy and Kevin cannot happen again! I’ve talked to Danny about it and she agrees.

Well, enough for now! I’ll send you the details by email and you can call me if you have any questions.

Bye bye!

