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English Audio Request

208 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Production started climbing steadily but reached a level of around 70. Since then,
it has fallen steadily.

Production grew more and more rapidly over the first three quarters and then reached a peak. Since then, it has quickly dropped.

Production grew rapidly in the first quarter, but reached a plateau of about 70. Since then it has remained more or less stable.

Production has dropped slowly but steadily over the year.

Production started the year in a stable position, but then plunged in the third quarter. It has now bottomed out at a level of 20.

Production fell considerably over the first three quarters, reaching a low of 20. Since then it has partially recovered.

Production has fluctuated all year.

Production started off steady, but fell sharply in the last quarter.

Production showed a slight rise in the first three quarters, but then suffered a sharp drop.

After a considerable decline in the first two quarters, production bottomed out at 20. Since then it has started to rise.

Production has experienced a strong, steady rise over the whole year.

There has been a slight increase in production over the year.

There was a rapid drop in production in the first quarter, but it levelled off at about 20.




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