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English Audio Request

302 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

A British accent would be perfect!
Can you speak clearly and not too fast, please!

There is a legendary monster that people say lives in the deep Loch Ness Lake in the north of Scotland. It is called the Loch Ness Monster, or "Nessie" for short. It looks like a dinosaur, with a small head on a long neck and humps on its back.
The first report of Nessie was back in the sixth century. A man called St Columba reported seeing a monster in the water, but he told the monster to go back, and he was safe. Then, in 1933, Nessie was seen again by George Spicer and his wife–she crossed the road in front of their car. The next year, a photo was taken of Nessie, which became very famous. It was taken by a doctor – but the photo turned out to be fake. Since then, there have been several more sightings of Nessie.
Some people have tried to take photos and videos, but the pictures are not very clear.
People have also tried exploring the lake. Some people watched the lake, while other people used equipment like underwater cameras, microphones, and sonars to scan the lake carefully. But it is very deep and very dark. No one has found anything definite.
There are lots of possible explanations for what people have seen in Loch Ness.
Maybe the monster is just a giant eel, a large bird, a tree, or a seal, or even car tyres floating in the water. A few people even think it could be a plesiosaur, which is a type of dinosaur.
A research team from New Zealand, led by Professor Gemmell, have used a technique called eDNA sampling to try and find some of Nessie's DNA. They have tested water from the loch and checked all DNA found.
However, no evidence of a prehistoric marine reptile was found.

