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English Audio Request

183 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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What route did the Mayflower take?
The Mayflower and the Speedwell originally left Southampton, England on August 4, 1620. However, they had to stop in Dartmouth because the Speedwell was leaking. They left Dartmouth on August 21, but the Speedwell started leaking again so they stopped in Plymouth, England. At Plymouth they decided to leave the Speedwell behind and crowded as many passengers as they could on the Mayflower. They left Plymouth on September 6, 1620. From Plymouth, England the Mayflower sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. The original destination had been Virginia, but storms moved the ship off course. Over two months after leaving Plymouth, the Mayflower spotted Cape Cod on November 9, 1620.

What was it like on the Mayflower?
Traveling as a passenger on the Mayflower was very difficult and scary. The 102 passengers were packed into a very small space. Many became sick. There weren't any bathrooms, running water, or fresh air. It probably smelt awful. The weather was bad with many storms so the passengers had to stay below for days. They often wondered if they would make it.




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