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English Audio Request

303 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read the questions with an American, British, or Australian accent.

Part 1

What kinds of books are popular in your country?
How does the film industry impact booksellers in your country?
How can people be encouraged to read more?
Are there any drawbacks to reading too often?
What are differences between reading a real book and an online one?
Are meetings common for most businesses in your country?
Are meetings a waste of time?
How could meetings be made more efficient?
How has technology changed the way people hold meetings?
Are there cultural differences in terms of meetings in different parts of your country?
Do you think employers are responsible for training their employees?
How important is training in different industries?
Should companies focus more on training for older or younger employees?
Is it common for people in your country to pursue higher education later in life?
Do companies often help fund this training?
Is it common in your country for people to move a lot?
Do most people in your country live in cities?
Why do some people live to live in the same place their whole lives?
Is it important to travel a lot?
How can less privileged groups be encouraged to move more often?

Part 2

Describe a long car journey you went on or a long car journey your remember well.

- Where you went
- What you did at that place
- Who you went there with
- Explain why you went on that journey by car
- And explain how you felt about the journey

Part 3
- How did this journey change your perspective on travelling?
- What are some other destinations you would like to travel by car?
- Why do people like to have private cars?
- Do many families own private cars in India?
- What will cars be like in the future?




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