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English Audio Request

345 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read the questions with an American, British, or Australians Accent.

Part 1

- What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
- How long does it take for you to get ready for the day?
- Do you have any specific tasks that must be done each morning?
- Are there any activities or hobbies that you like to do on a daily basis?
- How much time do you spend getting dressed and grooming yourself every day?
- Do you prefer to listen to music, watch TV, or read while doing certain tasks in your daily life?
- Is it important for you to allocate enough time for relaxation and leisure activities each day?
- Do you prefer to study alone or with others?
- How do you motivate yourself to study?
- Do you listen to music while studying? If so, what kind of music?
- How do you manage distractions while studying?
- How often do you take breaks while studying?
- Do you use any study aids, such as flashcards or study guides?
- Do you prefer to study for short or long periods of time?
- How do you review and retain information after studying?
- How do you prepare for exams or quizzes?
- Did you go on a picnic as a child?
- How often do you go on a picnic?
- Where do you usually go on a picnic?
- How is a picnic different from cooking at home?

Part 2
Talk about a topic of conversation that you weren't interested in. Please tell me

- Who you talked with
- When you had the conversation
- What the topic was
- Explain why you were not interested

Part 3
- What topics are more popular in your country and what do people in your country usually talk about?
- What is the difference between a topic that is popular now and those of the past?
- How do you know if someone is not interested in your conversation?
- What is the difference between modern technologies like the Internet and e-mail and our communication?




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