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English Audio Request

162 Words / 2 Recordings / 3 Comments

1916 Go ahead, have a good time, I'll pinch hit for you.
1917 I've heard that thief was finally pinched. 
1918 He is a penny pincher. 
1919 That street is a real bottleneck in the morning.  
1920 The only trouble with this shortcut is that there are too many bottlenecks. //  
1921 I'll be a monkey's uncle.  I'll be damned.
1922 Do you know, Jack was fired yesterday. No, I'll be damned.
1923 He is stinko./ He is stinko drunk. 
1924 I think we'd better call a taxi for him because he is stoned.
1925 He is off his rocker. 
1926 He is off his rocker these days.
1927 Don't give me that cock and bull story. 
1928 I can't trust him because he always gives me a cock and bull story.
1929 Hey, get your butt over here! Hey, get your ass over here! 
1930 This time, he was caught red-handed. / He was caught with his fingers in the till. 



Aug. 21, 2010

I don't want the numbers read aloud.

March 30, 2011

Good thing I didn't read the numbers, because I didn't see your note first!

Some of these are old-fashioned and not used much at all anymore in the U.S. (I don't know about England.)

For example, "penny pincher," "stinko drunk," and "cock and bull story." You may hear them in an old movie but people don't use them much in conversation.

March 30, 2011

Martin, I just love your accent! :)


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