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English Audio Request

143 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

1869 I was really pissed off. 
1870 Hope there will be no hitch. 1871 I hope everything will go O.K. without a hitch. 
1872 "Hey, pipe down-he is talking to us. 
1873 Hey, I've told you to pipe down, how many times do I have to tell you?
1875 For crying out loud, you can't say a thing like that.
1879 He gets in my hair. 
1880 She has verbal diarrhea. 
1881 You are pulling my leg. 
1882 Get off my back!  
1883 Go to hell ! / To hell with you ! 
1884 I was here before you-this space is mine. What in the hell are you talking about, to hell with your space.
1886 I've only got 10 bucks with me today, is it O.K.?
1887 He is nuttier than a fruitcake. 
1888 Don't rub it in - I understand you.




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