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English Audio Request

103 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

951 Would you teach me something cool to say?
952 They'll probably do one thing at a time.
953 He wrote a book called Generation X.
954 They're almost immune to advertising.
955 That's why !
956 I thought you knew that.
957 No way ! That's really scary.
958 Let's try to get along!
959 I'm no longer myself.
960 I was in my bed.
961 That was on TV last night.
962 Oops, you got me.
964 I like the subtle taste of Japanese food.
965 Every time I go, I try new things.
966 She has good taste in clothes.


  • phrase57 ( recorded by Marcipangris ), American, West Coast

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  • phrase57 ( recorded by tweeter60 ), Australian

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    Corrected Text

    951 Would you teach me something cool to say?
    952 They'll probably do one thing at a time.
    953 He wrote a book called Generation X.
    954 They're almost immune to advertising.
    955 That's why!
    956 I thought you knew that.
    957 No way! That's really scary.
    958 Let's try to get along!
    959 I'm no longer myself.
    960 I was in my bed.
    961 That was on TV last night.
    962 Oops, you got me.
    964 I like the subtle taste of Japanese food.
    965 Every time I go, I try new things.
    966 She has good taste in clothes.



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