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English Audio Request

198 Words / 3 Recordings / 2 Comments

Yesterday I got an MRI test.
The result was worse than I expected.
When I had an MRI at the city hospital last time, the size of my acoustic tumor was 2mm.
The tumor has grown to 3 mm over half a month.
Dr. Kobayashi, a professor of the Tohoku university, said,” I recommend moving this tumor surgically.
The operation would be easy if it were done now because it is not big enough to touch the brain.”
“The sooner the operation is done, the less risk there will be of facial nerve damage.”
“There is another option, which is gamma laser radiation.
But this has some downsides.
For example, the tumor is not completely eliminated, the long-term effects are not known.
And there is a small risk to that it will cause the tumor cells to change to vicious cells, cancer, as a side effect. ”

The operation is scheduled for April 23rd at the present.
Dr. Takada, who is studying abroad in Italy, will return after getting many experiences of the operations till April.
Takada also received this operation when he was a university student and ,as a result ,decided to make himself an ENT surgeon.



April 19, 2012

I'm sorry to hear of your news. 頑張って!

April 19, 2012

Thank you for your comment.
I'm going to stay in the hospital for the operation from tomorrow,20.Apr. for about two or three weeks.


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