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English Audio Request

251 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

He puts aside time to go out with his wife from time to time.
He makes time to occasionally get away for dates with his wife.
He sets aside time for outings with his wife every so often.
그는 종종 시간을 내어 아내와 밖에서 데이트를 한다.
put aside self-interest[프라임한영사전]
사욕을 버리다
put aside (one's) self-interest[프라임한영사전]
사리를 떠나다
He had to put aside his grief.
He had to forget his grief for the moment.
He had to hold off on grieving.
He had to lay aside his grief.
그는 슬픔을 접어야 했다.
We don't seem able to put aside our differences and get along.
We are unable to reconcile our differences.
We can't patch up our differences.
우리는 우리 사이의 차이점을 극복하지 못하고 있다.
We decided to put aside our differences.
We agreed to forget about disagreements.
We made up our minds to get past our problems.
우리는 서로의 차이를 무시하기로 했다.
We should put aside that question for now.
Let's put it aside for the time being.
이 문제는 일단 접어두고 넘어가자.
We need to put aside what we've been working on.
Let's forget about it.
우리 이번 일은 없었던 것으로 하죠.
He's put aside a tidy sum for his retirement.
He saved up some good money for his golden years.
He's squirreled away some money for when he retires.
그는 은퇴를 대비해 꽤 많은 돈을 모아 두었다.
Can you put aside your differences?
너희의 차이점을 무시할 수 (잊어버릴 수) 있니?


  • 20110226 We should PUT ASIDE that question for now ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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  • 20110226 We should PUT ASIDE that question for now ( recorded by asherlee ), Midwestern USA

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