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English Audio Request

782 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

Nice to meet you!
Are you passionate about learning languages?
Do you need to be inspired by somebody to keep up your efforts?

I answer 'yes' to all these questions.
I'd liket to study together.
I'd like to have nice relationship with you to encourage and inspire each other!
I just take a step forward to start this study.

I need your help.


I want to study with you together.
I came up with an idea that we can study foriegn languages together.
This is now in the first step so it need to be tested.

I bring a word forward and write examples as many as I can remind.
You and I can write down its collocation.
We can work this job together.

How about just 1 word each day?
We can help each other, encourage each other, and improve our language skills!

This can be very hard work but I want to try it here.
Let's get it started.

I need your help.
Would you write down some words, phrases, and examples relating to each word in your own languages?
I believe this method improves our language skills for sure!

I'll also write this entry in English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, etc.....
How about try a nice achievement together?

Where I recored this is
You could upload or download mp3 files here.

I wrote some words relating the each Korean word, or also wrote some definitions if I didn't come up with appropriate words in English or something.
I'd really appreciate if you would write your words down.


가게 a store, a shop ( )
가까운 가게 a close store, a nearby story, The store is not far from here. ( )
비싼 가게 a expensive shop, a luxious shop, ... ( )
소문난 가게 a very popular store, a well-know store, ... ( )
싼 가게 a cheap shop. the shop which sells a cheap machandise, the shop which have very low-ranged prices or reasonable prices. ( )
작은 가게 a small shop ( )
조그만 가게 a very small shop ( )
허름한 가게 a shabby shop, a humble shop, the shop that is very old so on the verge of collapse ( )

골동품 가게 a antique shop, a antique store ( )
과일 가게 the shop which sells fruits, a fruit shop ( )
과자 가게 the shop which sells snack, a bake shop. ( )
구두 가게 the shop that sells shoes, ( )
국수 가게 a shop that sells noodles ( )
기름 가게 a shop that sells old, a gas station ( )
꽃 가게 a flower shop ( )
담배 가게 a shop that sells tobacco ( )
만화 가게 a shop that sells or rend comic books ( )
비디오 가게 a shop that rend videos and movies on CD or DVD.( )
생선 가게 a shop that sells fishes ( )
선물 가게 a present shop, If you need to buy sb his or her present, you go get 선물 at 선물 가게. ( )
식료품 가게 a grocery store ( )
야채 가게 a store that(which?) sells vegetables. ( )
옷 가게 a shop which sells clothes. ( )
장난감 가게 a toy store ( )
채소 가게 means the same meaning to 야채 가게 ( )
책 가게 a book store ( )
화장품 가게 a shop which sells lipsticks, skin-lotions, manicure, or something ( )

가게가 문을 닫다. A shop is shot up. ( )
가게가 문이 닫히다. A shop is closed. ( )
가게가 쉬다 A shop has a day off (?), A shop doesn't run its business (on some day in order for the owner to take a rest) ( )
가게가 문을 열다 A shop opens. A shop starts their business. ( )
문이 열리다. The door is opened. ( )

가게를 차리다 sb opens up his business. ( )
가게를 비우다 sb leaves his store. ( )
가게를 운영하다 sb runs a store. ( )

가게에 가다. sb goes to a store. ( )
가게에 들르다. sb stops by a store. ( )
가게에 들어가다. sb enters a store. ( )

가까운 가게에 가서 라면 좀 사 와라. Go get some noodles at nearby store, will you? ( )
그는 담배 가게를 찾기 위해 두리번거렸다. He looked around for a tobacco shop. ( )
그녀는 선물 가게를 차렸어. She set up a present shop. ( )
오는 길에 동네 비디오 가게에 들러 비디오 하나만 빌려 와라. Borrow a video on your way home at a nearby video shop, will you? ( )
그 시장에는 새벽부터 가게들이 문을 열고 손님을 기다린다. People opens their stores and wait consumers to come. ( )


  • Let's Study together! #001. 가게 a store, a shop ( recorded by whlanger ), American Midwestern

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March 14, 2011

I hope I gave you what you wanted with this text. I'm new and I'm not sure what you were looking for.

March 14, 2011

Thank you, whlanger!

Your voice is good to hear!


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